Prvo veliko internacionalno takmičenjeu regionu sa 6 kategorija.
Light volumen
Mega volumen
Lash lamination
Brow lamination
Ukoliko imate talenat, volju za napredovanjem ili želite da testirate svoje znanje na kom ste nivou, pozvani ste da učestvujete u internacionalnom takmičenju Premium Championship.
Lash i brow tehničari sa iskustvom manjim od jedne godine.
Lash i brow tehničari sa iskustvom dužim od jedne godine.
Takmičenje će se održati uživo kao i online.
Zatvaranje prijava 01.10.2022.
Uživo takmičenje će se održati na prestojećem 37. sajmu kozmetike Dodir Pariza u Beogradu.
Proglašenje pobednika 09.10.2022.
Prijave možete slati na mail
ili klikom ovde
Za prijavu je potrebno poslati sledeće podatke:
1. Ime i prezime 2. e-mail adresa 3. Adresa 4. Broj telefona 5. Kategorije za koje se prijavljujete 6. Za koji nivo se prijavljujete 7. Vašu fotografiju 8. Vaš instagram nalog 9. Sertifikat sa prve obuke |
Pravila takmičenja
- Za učestvovanje u nekoj od kategorija potrebno je da budete sertifikovani lash ili brow artist.
- Zabranjeno je objavljivanje poslatih radova na društvene mreže dok traje takmičenje.
- Dobro proverite da li se prijavljujete za dobru kategoriju takmičenja.
- Naknadne promene nisu dozvoljene.
- Ukoliko se prijavite za pogrešan nivo i kategoriju, bićete diskvalifikovani.
- Takmičari moraju biti stariji od 18 godina.
- Modeli moraju imati više od 16 godina.
- Fotografije moraju biti oštre, visokog kvaliteta sa dobrim osvetljenjem bez ikakve obrade, pozadine i logotipa.
- Pisanje brenda koji ste koristili je zabranjeno.
- Korišćenje aplikacija za obradu fotografija je strogo zabranjeno.
- Radovi moraju biti sveži bez da su negde već objavljeni i korišćeni za druga takmičenja (za online).
- Upotreba make up-a na modelu je zabranjena, sem sjaja za usne.
- Zabranjena je trajna šminka na kapcima modela.
The first major competition in the region.
International competition with 6 categories.
Light volume
Mega volume
Lash lamination
Brow lamination
If you have talent, the will to progress or want to test your knowledge at what level you are, you are invited to participate in an international competition
Premium Championship
Lash and brow technicians with less than one year of experience.
Lash and brow technicians with more than one year of experience.
The competition will be held live as well as online.
8-9. October
Applications close on October 1
The live competition will take place at the upcoming 37th Dodir Paris cosmetics fair.
Announcement of the winner on October 9
Applications can be sent by e-mail
To apply, you need to send the following information:
1. Name and surname
2. e-mail address
3. Address
4. Telephone number
5. Categories you are applying for
6. What level you are applying for
7. Your photo
8. Your Instagram account
9. Certificate from the first training
Competition rules
- To participate in one of the categories, you need to be a certified lash or brow artist.
- It is not allowed to publish submitted works on social networks while the competition is in progress.
- Make sure you are applying for the right competition category.
- Subsequent changes are not allowed.
- If you apply for the wrong level and category, you will be disqualified.
International competition with 6 categories.
Light volume
Mega volume
Lash lamination
Brow lamination
If you have talent, the will to progress or want to test your knowledge at what level you are, you are invited to participate in an international competition
Premium Championship
Lash and brow technicians with less than one year of experience.
Lash and brow technicians with more than one year of experience.
The competition will be held live as well as online.
8-9. October
Applications close on October 1
The live competition will take place at the upcoming 37th Dodir Paris cosmetics fair.
Announcement of the winner on October 9
Applications can be sent by e-mail
To apply, you need to send the following information:
1. Name and surname
2. e-mail address
3. Address
4. Telephone number
5. Categories you are applying for
6. What level you are applying for
7. Your photo
8. Your Instagram account
9. Certificate from the first training
Competition rules
- To participate in one of the categories, you need to be a certified lash or brow artist.
- It is not allowed to publish submitted works on social networks while the competition is in progress.
- Make sure you are applying for the right competition category.
- Subsequent changes are not allowed.
- If you apply for the wrong level and category, you will be disqualified.

Klikom na fotografije možete dobiti više informacija.